A couple of years ago I watched the trailer for an upcoming movie called Everest. I thought it looked really interesting so I did what most people do, I googled it. After watching all of the various trailers on YouTube and a couple of interviews with the director and cast, I wanted to know more. The movie was said to be based on a true story so I typed “Everest 1996” in my search engine and this was one of the first article I read.

I spent the next couple of hours reading different news article explaining what happened and found that eight people lost their lives that night. Making it one the worst disaster in the mountain’s history.

In 1996 commercialized expeditions to Nepal were becoming very popular. Outside Magazine sent one of their reporters with an expedition to write about his experience. After the disaster, he wrote a book telling his side of the story. As soon as I read this, I knew that I had to read it! That same night, I went on Amazon and placed the order. In a couple of days, thanks to prime shipping it was at my doorstep and I dove right in.

The truth is that I didn’t know that reading this book would have such an affect on me. Reading it made me feel inspired, courageous, curious and also angry. It made me feel like I was there. Walking along side these hikers while they told their stories. Standing right next to them as they were stock near the summit, trying to make their way back down. In a way this was really bizarre because I have zero mountaineering experience and the thought of doing something like this had never, ever crossed my mind.

It took me just a couple of days to finish the book. I couldn’t put it down! And as I kept reading, I kept researching.

I wanted to know everything there was about doing an expedition to Everest. What kind of training was required? The gear and equipment that would be needed to make it up the mountain? How long it took for trekkers to get to base camp? How much it would cost? Oh man, there were so many questions! But one in particular that always kept coming up, was why… Why would anyone want to do this?

Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world, sitting at 29,029 feet above sea lever. Lets put this in perspective. I live in South Florida. We are about 13-16 feet up, not very high. Twenty. Nine. Thousand. Feet. That’s just a bit lower than the cruising altitude of a commercial airliner. CRAZY!

I also learned about the Sherpas. The brave men and women who help guide locals and foreigners on their attempt to summit the mountain. I found that for some, being a guide is their only source of income. And when a disaster occurs, they leave behind their loved ones with very little money or support.

I wasn’t sure if I should make this my first blog post. I knew that it would be long and that I would ramble in some spots. I knew that the first couple of people to read it would be family and friends. All of which have heard me talk about this nonstop for the past two years (sorry guys!). But I had to! This book and these stores inspired me. They inspired me to learn, to explore, to care and to be passionate about something.

It’s because of this, and because of them that I started this blog. I’ve said this many times over the past two years, but I am going to say it again. This time, I’m putting it in writing and out in the universe! It is my mission to go to Nepal! I plan to trek to Everest Base camp. I want to go to as may towns a long the way and meet the incredible men and women that help others make it to the top of the world.

I want to make a difference! I want to help! All before 2020, I hope!

I hope this post inspires you and that you keep coming back. I will continue to document my journey and would love to bring you along with me.

I am happy to say that I have found my passion and will now begin to craft my quest!


Disclaimer: Please know that I am not a mountaineer. In fact, I have little to no experience in this topic. The only hikes I’ve ever done have been day trips with family and friends. All of the trails were paved and were beginner friendly. The opinions stated here are my own, and are not associated with Outside Magazine, Jon Krakauer or anyone else mentioned. This is just a story that changed my life.

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